Ordering a transfer

To order a transfer, just log into your TransferGo profile and follow these easy steps:

  1. Transfer details

Select the ‘Sending from’ and ‘Receiving in’ countries, and enter the amount you want to transfer. You can send an international or a local transfer.

You also have to choose the delivery option.

Click on ‘Continue’.



     2. Receiver details

Click on ‘Send to a new receiver’. Please make sure that you give the real, full name of your receiver and the right account details.

Click ‘Continue’.


You’ll always be asked to provide the full name and surname of your receiver, or the company name if you’re sending money to a business.


Depending on which country you’re making your transfer to, you may be asked to provide the following bank details:



Sending to:

Details to provide:

UK, Ireland

a sort code and a local account number, IBAN account number, a debit/credit card number, or a phone number

EEA and Eurozone countries

IBAN account number, a debit/credit card number, or a phone number


address of the receiver, account number and BIC/SWIFT code

Australia, Asia and South Africa

address of the receiver, account number and BIC/SWIFT code, a phone number, or a debit/credit card number


        3. Review

Please review the details you provided. If you want your receiver to be notified about the completed transfer, check the ‘Tell the receiver by email’ checkbox and provide your receiver's email address. 

Click 'Confirm Details'.



       4. Pay in

To complete your transfer choose either of the following:


  • ‘Bank transfer’

If you choose this method, you will have to make a local transfer to our TransferGo account, using the banking details provided. Please make sure to add your ‘Unique Client number’ as a reference in that payment.

After ordering a new transfer, you have a limited time to make your deposit to TransferGo. Don’t worry: if it expires, you can always create a new transfer*.

  • ‘Debit or Credit card’


If you choose this payment method, you will have to use your own debit or credit card, fill in the required details and click on the ‘Pay in’ button. Please keep in mind that we only accept ‘Visa’ or ‘Mastercard’ and your transfer must meet our requirements.

We'll send you an email after sending the money to your receiver. You can also check your transfer status on the timeline in your profile.


* Orders made the day before or during a weekend/bank holiday expire on the next working day at 9:00 GMT (orders from the UK) or 13:00 GMT (other countries) if not funded. On other days they expire within 24 hours (+12h for Fidor incoming bank account).